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30 mai 2015 - Adunarea Generala Anuala a membrilor ACAP. Raportul Financiar anual şi Declaraţia Impozitului pe venit 2014. Misiunea, scopurile şi obiectivele.
Develop the science of accounting, as well as related or associated principles. Develop the level of efficiency, practice and conduct of our members to the highest professional levels and maintain their professional autonomy.
Barbara and Co is an independent member firm of PrimeGlobal. As one of the five largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world, PrimeGlobal member firms offer a powerful range of services and industry expertise to meet your needs around the globe, around the clock. If you have any questions. Barbara and Co is an independent member firm of PrimeGlobal.
Best Law Firm in Moldova Business Advice and Legal Support Services Top Law Office in Chisinau Financial Outsourcing Accountancy Services. Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed and Partners Law Consultants and Legal Advisers. Legal Business Support Services in the Republic of Moldova.
Conducerea şi organizarea Camerei Auditorilor Financiari din România. Colaborarea CAFR cu alte organisme. Date financiare de identificare a CAFR. Rezultate interviu pentru reatribuirea calității. Combaterea si prevenirea operatiunilor de spalare a banilor. Test de acces la stagiu. Finalizarea anului I de stagiu, inscrierea in anul II de stagiu.
Corpul Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania - Filiala Satu Mare. Ziua Națională a Contabilului Român 2017. Icirc;n data de 21. Icirc;n data de 22. Procedura de alegeri pentru CF și CDF.
Corpul Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania - Filiala Vaslui. Lista expertilor inscrisi in GEJ. A, Parter, Ap. PROCES VERBAL PRIVIND PROCESUL DE NOMINALIZARE A CANDIDAȚILOR LA FUNCȚIA DE MEMBRU AL CONSILIULUI FILIALEI VASLUI.
Federation internat. des experts-comptables francophones
Michele Cartier Leguerinel
19 rue Cognacq Jay
Paris Cedex 07, 75341
For the Members, By the Members. 2 Unlimited access to thought leadership research. 3 On-demand viewing of event recordings. 4 Unrestricted access to event materials and photos. 5th BNM-FIDE FORUM Annual Dialogue. These events are exclusively and complimentary for FIDE FORUM Members. A Fellowship of Directors who Leads Best Corporate Governance practices.
El financiamiento de la educación y su impacto en la equidad de género. Avances y desafíos del empoderamiento económico de las mujeres de Nicaragua. Fomentando el desarrollo a través de la investigación y el conocimiento. Bienvenidos al sitio web de la Fundación Internacional para el Desafío Económico Global. En la sección Investigaciones y Publicaciones.